What to expect from a session with Harmonic Resonance Healing:

Sound Healing:

During a sound healing session, you will experience a personalized symphony of sound. lying on a massage table (fully clothed), you will listen to a variety of pure tones, intervals and octaves from over 100 different tuning forks. The possibilities are endless and the sounds are carefully curated with consideration given to each healing frequency. Whether you are attempting to overcome chronic fatigue, insomnia, debilitating pain, anxiety, depression, OCD, childhood trauma, Nervous tension from everyday stress, high blood pressure, PTSD, emotional overwhelm, ADD or any variety of concerns, sound can greatly help you. I primarily use tuning forks over the body, on the body, in the field or up to your ears. Depending on your situation, I often bring in other instruments such as chimes, rattles, drums and crystal pyramids. Each sound I choose, I bring in for a specific purpose and during your 1 hour session, you can expect to feel deeply relaxed, held and at ease. Sound is a magical experience that you will never forget.

Flickering Light:

lying down with eyes closed, a round light will be placed high above your face. the light uses a wide spectrum solid light plus LED lights flashing at various frequencies. once the light begins, you can expect to visualize anything from a Kaleidescope of geometric shapes to a soft blur of patterned colors. With soft and gentle music in the background, you will slowly start to feel your brain and your body reset as you fall deeper into relaxation. When the brain is allowed to go to such depths of relaxation, it allows the body to follow. After a flickering light session, you can expect to feel more at ease in your daily life, less triggered by others, more focused and less distracted. You may also experience deeper sleep, lower resting heart rate and less pain. any session can be experienced on its own, or you may add it to the end of a sound session. programs last anywhere from 10-30min (after several sessions, you may choose to experience a sessions lasting up to one hour).

Energetic Reset:

if you are dealing with chronic complaints, or you’re hoping to uncover the root cause of your symptoms, an energetic reset may be just what you’re looking for. When you arrive, I will measure meridian points on your fingers and toes (please arrive with clean hands and feet. Any oils either natural or from lotions will affect my measurements) as well as take a digital scan of your body field. this will give me a picture of where your body is storing stuck energy. Once I have this information, I will administer energetic remedies, in an attempt to correct these imbalances. After each session, you can expect to feel either very relaxed, or very energized. Either way, you want to take it easy, rest, drink lots of water and possibly take a binder.

these sessions aim to correct the light in your cells which will allow for the free flow of energy to circulate through your entire system. after a few sessions, you should begin to feel your energy start to lift as well as feel your health improve. typically to begin, 3 sessions spaced no further than 5 days apart is a good starting point, followed by once a week, then spaced out one every other week, once a month, and then, the goal is that you visit on an as needed basis. Each session can last anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on your symptoms.

This particular service is more of a commitment but is worth it in the end. This is powerful technology that can have a lasting affect.