Sound Healing

1 hour

What is Sound healing?

Sound is energy that is produced by vibrations in matter, such as air or water. When an object vibrates, it creates a disturbance in the surrounding medium, which travels through the medium in the form of a wave. The wave causes the molecules in the medium to vibrate, producing pressure variations and creating sound.

Every object or element in nature has its own unique set of frequencies or vibrations, which determine its energetic signature or resonance. With each harmonic frequency, there is a “code” that changes the cellular water in our bodies while pushing or pulling out the interference and re-patterning the body back to it’s natural state.

The reason sound travels so well through the body’s tissues and fluids is because they have similar physical properties. The body contains water, blood, and lymph, which are excellent conductors of sound.

Sound therapy is non-invasive, gentle and promotes healing 50 to 75% faster than modalities not using sound. When specifically encoded sound frequencies are heard by the cells, the energy field is entrained to those encoded frequency and reminded of its original blueprint of health and wellness.

Benefits Of Sound Healing:

  • releases “feel good” endorphins

  • deeply relaxing

  • releases negative emotions from trauma

  • balances body systems

  • helps heal soft tissue

  • improves mental fatigue

  • improves circulation

  • helps with Inflammation